Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Baby Bodee Update

Well it was a long night. I went and stayed at the hospital with Jordan and got no sleep! She slept pretty good though. Bodee is in the Special Care Nursery and has been since right after birth. They think he has a bacterial infection in little lungs, because his breathing is really rapid. But I guess the results take 3 days. So they have him on an IV in the Special Care Nursery and he can't leave, so every 3 hours Jordan goes in and nurses, which he isn't too interested in yet.There are only 4 of us allowed in the Special Care Nursery while he is staying there. So both grandmas and Travis' brother and I all got to go in there yesterday and hold him and talk to him it was so fun! She is being discharged today and he won't be able to leave until tomorrow which is no fun. Who wants to go home without their baby! He is doing well though he looks and acts healthly and his breathing is normal. So he will hopefully be home tomorrow!