Tuesday, January 27, 2009

California Here We Come!!!!

Alright I'm headed to Long Beach, California on Friday for school to go to a hair show. I will post pictures I'm so excited! We will spend a day in Disneyland too. I haven't been since I was like 6 or 7 and don't really remember much at all. So I will take lots of pics and post them when I get back on Monday! I'm so excited for my first hair show!


Jenny said...

Have a great time!

Amberlee said...

I remember going with my School to the hair show. It is a lot of fun. I hope you had a great time. I love the picture of you. Miss talking to you. I hope you are doing good. Love ya

steff said...

I LOVE DISNEY LAND!!! You are gonna have so much fun. Enjoy the sunny weather.